Gametime Antiques

1950's U.S Marshall Shooting Gallery Arcade Game 10 Cent (Original Machine)

1940's Bally Heavy Hitter Baseball Pinball Machine (Restored)

1920's 1 Cent "3 in 1" Hercules Grip/Strength Tester Arcade Game (All Original)

1950's US Marshall Shooting Arcade Game

1900's 1 Cent Mills Electricity Is Life Shock Machine (Original...repaint on cabinet)

1940's U-Select-It Candy Machine (Restored All Original with interior lights!)

1930's Filmascope Basketball Arcade Game (Original...Restored)

1930's Gottlieb Grip StrengthTester Arcade Game (Restored All Original)

1950's Booz Barometer (Original with a restored base)

1930's Electric ABT Challenger Penny Arcade Shooting Gallery (Original with Replacment Glass Decals)

1930's ABT Challenger Penny Arcade Shooting Gallery (All Original)

Early 1900's Mills Electricity Is Life Shock Machine (Restored Original)